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G 1 8 Distinguish between fundamental and realized niche

Page history last edited by Sam Pak 14 years, 1 month ago

Assessment Statement G.1.8

Distiguish between fundamental and realized niche.


The fundamental niche is the full range of environmental conditions and resources an organism can possibly occupy and use. A niche that doesn't need to worry about predation, competition or resource limitation. It describes the potential area and resources an organism is capable of using.

For example, racoons usually live in forests where there are a lot of resources such as bugs, fruits and small creatures.




The realized niche is the niche that used to be a fundamental niche until it became vulnerable to limiting factors such as industrilization.

From the racoon example above, the forest that used to be the racoon's fundamental niche is now transformed into an urban environment that racoons need to survive by eating trash and waste instead of insects and fruits.




The racoon's fundamental niche is the forest.



However, after human encroachment, the forest turned into an urban environment.


This is a realized niche for the racoon, which has to eat through garbage. 




fundamenal and realized 















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