
DP planning (all semester overview)

Page history last edited by Jay 13 years, 6 months ago
Sem 1 1. stats (2) 1. stats (2) Each semester has about 14 six day cycles
2. cells (12) 2. cells (12) [note 1 cycle for exams at sem. end]
3. chem (15) 3. chem (15) ...each cycle has 4 SL hours
C. cells & energy (15) 7 & 8.Nucl Acid, Protein, energy (21)
44 50 therefore = 41 SL teaching hours & 15 lab hours
Sem 2 5. ecology (16) 5. ecology (16) each cycle has 5 HL hours
G. ecology (15) G. ecology (22) ... 55 HL teaching hours & 15 lab hours
9. Plants (11)
31 49
4. Genetics (15) 4 & 10 Genetics (22)
6. Human Physio (20) 6 & 11. Human Health & physio (37)
35 59
E. Neurobiology (15) E. Neurobiology (22)
15 22

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